Our Vision. Our Mission. Our Values.

Our Roots.

Our Vision is to create a Gender Just Society. We seek to build a world where Women & Men, Girls & Boys realize their full potential, enjoy their human rights, & live in total peace.

GWED-G envisions a post-conflict society in Northern Uganda where all people, regardless of their sex, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, class, or status, are fully integrated into their communities, enjoy their rights, equally benefit from all government services, participate equally in political leadership & democratic processes, have equitable access to and control of productive resources, and live free from any form of violence.

GWED-G exists to empower women and girls.

We seek to achieve our mission through effective institutional and technical capacity building, developing strong community-based platforms for women's empowerment, forging effective operational partnerships, and efficiently mobilizing resources.

Our Values

Gender Equality & Justice

Supporting the central role of women in development, we believe in gender equality. In our work, we endeavour to ensure that all people, including people with disabilities, have equal opportunity to use their potential.

Integrity & Accountability

We uphold the highest degree of honesty, transparency and accountability in the course of our work and relationships with others.

Rights-based Approach

Our focus is to ensure the rights of women and excluded communities are respected, promoted, protected and fulfilled.

Active Participation

We aspire to foster the full, equal and meaningful involvement of our members and beneficiaries in the design, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of our policies and programs. At all levels of decision making.

Support Grassroots Communities

We support poor & uprooted communities. Injustice can be eradicated & rights respected only when the marginalized are able to take charge of their lives & claim their rights. We work with a wide range of grassroots, community-based structures.

Partnership & Alliance Building

We work in close partnerships with larger institutions and international NGOs. This helps maximize our contributions to improving human rights of vulnerable communities & to eradicate poverty.

Service Above Self

We expect our members and employees to be primarily motivated by a compulsion and commitment to uphold human rights. Our team embodies a philanthropic spirit to serve the underprivileged, especially women, and not their own interests.